Monday, December 11, 2006


If we want things to stay the same, we better make some changes.

Our ROYAL NEWS can now be found on our website. To view, first click "business intelligence", then the "newsletters" tag.

A fund-driven speculative spike in the NY C market has sent prices 20 cents higher then they were a month ago…Since we are in between Central American and African crops, many staple coffees are running out.
This is as it should be because with the arrival of California winter rains, last year’s coffees will start getting tired soon.
Not surprisingly, we are seeing more hand-to-mouth ‘just in time” buying and substitutions… It is hard to argue with this strategy after reviewing the USDA crop figures (Bottom line: there is more coffee this coming year than last year)
The USDA is about total worldwide production; coffees you are not buying all that much of. But of course if Brazil or Vietnam catches a cold, we get pneumonia. From the face of the report, both countries’ production is up substantially. But that does not help much when the C market is higher and supplies of many specialty coffees are at seasonal lows.

Given the circumstances at this time of the year, sometimes more creativity is a good thing. We are firm believers in buying the best coffees available regardless of origin. A cup profile can often be kept the same only by making changes.
Here is a suggested list of some our best (according to our entire cupping team) tasting spot coffees. Some of these may not be what you normally buy or blend, but be assured, your customers will love any or all of them.

13634 Brazil Fazenda Aurea
14221 Colombia Huila Valencia
11947 Panama Maunier
12774 Peru Organic Norte
13664 Peru Norte SHB Royal Especial
12255 El Salvador Santa Rita
14035 Flores Bajawa Arabica
14139 Timor FT Organic Maubesse
14261 Mex Royal Select Water Decaf
14176 African Royal Select Water Decaf
12636 Ethiopian Yirgacheffe
13975 Sumatra Mandheling
Thanks for visiting the Royal Coffee Blog…your guide to the best coffees on our offering list.

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